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Business Lighting Tenant Improvement

Earn incentives for tenant improvement projects

Earn substantial incentives through our Business Lighting program for tenant improvement projects that incorporate energy-efficient lighting and control strategies. If you're already planning an energy-efficient tenant improvement lighting project, let us help you pay for it.

What is Business Lighting Tenant Improvement?

Business Lighting Tenant Improvement (BLti) lighting projects use the 2015 Washington State Energy Code (2015 WSEC) for calculating the lighting baseline. The total value of your BLti incentive will depend on the first-year energy savings of your project compared to the 2015 WSEC baseline. The designed lighting power allowance (LPA) must be at least 5% more efficient than the stated 2015 WSEC LPA to qualify.

BLti projects typically involve a major remodel of the lighting in an existing building due to a new tenant or change in the existing space usage. The BLti project type can also be used if a lighting retrofit project was completed within the past six months, but the project had not been submitted to PSE for pre-approval or a Business Lighting application was not submitted prior to the start of construction.

Get started

Check the How you apply section below for detailed information.

What you get

Interior and exterior lighting incentives
New LED fixtures
Electric$0.30 per kWh

LED fixtures with automatic controls
Electric$0.50 per kWh

Interior LLLC fixtures (within daylight zones)
Electric$100 per fixture bonus

Interior LLLC fixtures (outside of daylight zones)
Electric$50 per fixture bonus

Existing interior LED fixtures with added LLLC
Electric$50 per fixture bonus

Interior NLC fixtures
Electric$50 per fixture bonus

Advanced Exterior Lighting Control (AELC)
Electric$100 per fixture bonus

Existing exterior LED fixtures with added AELC
Electric$75 per fixture bonus

Lighting components, CFL-LED lamps, HID-LED lamps
Electric$0.17 per kWh

TLEDs lamps when replacing fluorescent lamsp
Electric$4 each

TLEDs lamps when replacing TLED lamps, minimum savings of 5W per lamp
Electric$2 each

How you qualify

To be eligible for Business Lighting Tenant Improvement incentives:

  • Your business site must be within PSE's electric service area.
  • Your business site must be for commercial or industrial use.
  • The project must be in the design phase, construction phase or completed within the past six months.
  • The project must be reviewed by PSE staff before a grant is guaranteed.

How you apply

To be approved for a conservation incentive, all projects require PSE written approval before the incentive is approved.

Download and complete the current Business Lighting standard application.

On the project page of the Excel document, select "Tenant Improvement" in the project type box. Because the BLti program uses the 2015 energy code, you will be required to know and enter the square footage of the interior spaces and/or the exterior areas that you are applying for.

Submit the following items to

  • The Business Lighting Application (.XLSX)
  • Print and sign the signature page from the application (.PDF)
  • A signed and completed current taxpayer identification form (IRS form W-9 rev 2024)
  • The manufacturer specification sheets of all lighting products included in the project (.PDFs)
  • Building plans showing lighting layout and square footage of each space
  • Copy of the Washington State Energy Code compliance forms (if available)

After PSE reviews and approves the application, you will be sent a grant agreement (a contract), which must be signed and returned to PSE within 90 days of receipt to ensure your application and the incentive amount are approved.

Tenant improvement lighting project applications must be submitted within six months of installation. Applications can be submitted during the design and construction phases but will not be paid until project completion.

The total value of your Business Lighting incentive depends on the size and scope of your project.

Additional information

PSE has additional incentives for retrofit and new construction lighting projects. Visit for more information.

A PSE team member will review your application and coordinate meetings between PSE and your team to review design decisions and project specifics. Your project's design details are reviewed so that PSE can determine your eligibility, make energy-efficiency recommendations and estimate your incentive value.

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